About Me

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I'm Josh & I left my home in Idaho to serve a two-year LDS mission in Nicaragua. My mom is maintaining this blog until I get back. I hope you enjoy reading about my experiences as a missionary. . .

Sunday, July 31, 2011

    We have interviews this Thursday. It's been like three months since my last one . . . but oh well.
This week started our alright like normal, but on Friday we just went nuts. We did divisions and just burned our area. We did 91 contacts! And it was so nuts. So things are going a little better. Just keep praying for us so that we can keep this fire going. 
     I'm getting a suit made!!! haha here you can get custom suits for 50 bucks. So "yeah baby!!!"
Oh by the way I never told you, but my new comp's name is Montenegro.
Well . . .till next week

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

P-Day Fun

My Nautica Cologne Spoof  Pic LOL


New companion

    My new comp is doing good. We get along really well. We laugh all the time. He reminds me so much of Alex haha. The only diff is that he's from Panama.
    About the missionary work...I just feel like I do so much without any results. I dunno... my old comp is doing really well also. He doesn't like his area but he is moving so many people.
    Today we went to this like sweet castle place. It was pretty great. But fetch I'm a little discouraged because of the people... like my area is still great, but they just aren't as pumped as they used to be... whatevs :)
Hope you like my pics.