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I'm Josh & I left my home in Idaho to serve a two-year LDS mission in Nicaragua. My mom is maintaining this blog until I get back. I hope you enjoy reading about my experiences as a missionary. . .

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Masaya is amazing :)

This place is amazing! I have only been here almost two weeks and I have grown so much spiritually. This week helped me realize why we do this two-year-non-vacation. We found this sister that has been inactive for ten years, and seriously I have never felt the spirit as strong as when she said the prayer when we were heading out. It was like this feeling of love that has no description.  Then yesterday I felt it again. It was with this sister that's an investigator. She's just a teenager but  I've seen her change so much. The first time I met her, she didn't pay any attention and wouldn't do anything. Then last week I got her to read the Book of Mormon and she said that she felt something different when she read it. Last night we were with her and I could feel the spirit just a bit and my comp was talking to her about how she thought she'd receive her answer. Then I just felt the spirit basically hit me. I asked her how she feels when we come to her house and teach her. She thought for a minute and said that it's a feeling that is different from anything before. I testified that I felt it too and that it is the spirit answering her prayer. It was amazing. I love Masaya! ( the area I'm in)
~Elder Dimond

p.s. There was an earthquake here...a pretty big one. But we were walking in the street and didnt feel it much. ha ha

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